1 866 321-TEST

1 866 321-TEST

1 866 321-TEST
Moreno Beach Project
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State Route 60 / Moreno Beach Drive Bridge Project
Project Start Date: 2021
Current Stage: 2
Anticipated End Date: 2023
The bridge replacement project replaces damaged pavement, provides enhanced safety improvements, relieves traffic congestion around the freeway interchange, and installs needed underground storm drain facilities to mitigate flooding. The Moreno Beach Drive project will replace a fifty year old two-lane bridge with a seven-lane bridge and reconfigure the north side of the interchange to allow easier access to and from the freeway. Improvements include a new westbound auxiliary lane, as well as a dedicated southbound Moreno Beach Drive to westbound State Route 60 on-ramp. There may be short periods when lanes or ramps are closed. Detours and access for pedestrians and bicyclists will be available. Properties and businesses will have consistent access. The State Route 60/Moreno Beach Drive on/off ramps will be closed for several days to expedite construction and provide a safe work environment. The City will provide advanced notice for all closures. Construction is anticipated to be completed by 2023.
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